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David Jackson
Special Education Assistant
Katrina Jetton
Workplace Readiness Specialist
Scott Jewell
CTE Department
Grace Jones
Fine Arts Department
Brittany Leitherland
CTE Department
Tammy Lovell
Social Studies Department
Justin Lowery
Wellness Department; Boys Basketball Coach
Tim Lownsdale
Innovative School Model
Jessie Martin
Math Department; Softball Coach
Bob McClain
Nena McClanahan
Cafeteria Manager
Amy Merrick
Special Education Department
Reggie Moffatt
Anne-Ashton Moore
English Department
Lyndsey Norman
CTE Department
Miranda Ornouski
Spanish Department
Jennifer Papich
Secretary; Attendance Clerk
Neal Papich
9th-10th Grade School Counselor
Thelma Patton
Toni Patton
11th-12th Grade School Counselor