Writing Toolbox for Teachers

Writing Toolbox for Teachers Documents
This folder contains several documents and resources.

Grammar Bytes - Chomp Chomp
Grammar and usage website with interactive PPTs, videos, handouts, interactive exercises, etc. and great test prep.

  • Subject-Verb Agreement

  • Pronoun-Antecedent Agreement

  • Adjective/Adverb Usage

  • Verb Usage

  • Parallel Structure

  • Run-ons, Comma Spices, Fused Sentences


Writing Rubrics - Revised May 2017

Samples of CC Informative, Argumentative, and Narrative Student Writing at Various Grade Levels
These are writing samples that have been annotated to illustrate the criteria required to meet the Common Core State Standards for particular types of writing—argument, informative/explanatory text, and narrative—in a given grade. Each of the samples exhibits at least the level of quality required to meet the writing standards for that grade.

Thesis Statements - CC Writing 1
Video clip on writing thesis statements using a complex sentence format (approx. 13 mins.)

Writing a Counterargument Paragraph
This video walks students through the process of thinking about and developing a counterargument using a very simple analogy. (Approx. 9 mins.)

Writing a Counterclaim Paragraph
This video clip shows how to develop the counterclaim with a five-sentence paragraph that contains the following components: topic sentence, rebuttal, evidence, elaboration on how evidence weakens the opponent's claim, and closing sentence. (Approx. 9 mins.)

Building Body Paragraphs for Argument Essays
This video clip explains how to organize an argument essay around three reasons, with each reason having at least two pieces of evidence as support. The teacher in the video shares a colorful graphic organizer that lays out the essay's format. In addition, he models the writing of a body paragraph that includes introducing the evidence, presenting the evidence, and explaining how the evidence ties back to the reason/topic sentence. (Approx. 9 mins.)

Refutation/Counterclaim Paragraphs

Modeling the Revising Process
The teacher in this video clip begins by differentiating between revising and editing and then actually models revising an essay. (Approx. 16 mins.)

Revising an Essay
This video clip explains a three-step process for revising an essay: big picture, paragraphs, and sentences. (Approx. 3 mins.)

Writing a Conclusion Paragraph
This video clip provides 6 methods for writing a conclusion with complex, detailed examples given for each method discussed. The methods presented are the following: restate thesis and main points, discuss results/forecast consequences, place topic in a broader context, call for action, incorporate a quotation, and offer a telling statistic. (Approx. 10 mins.)

Writing Conclusions
This video clip provides a three-step process for writing a conclusion paragraph, using "So What" as part of the process. Some examples are provided orally. (Approx. 3 1/2 mins.)

Schmoop's Writing a Killer Conclusion

This video clip provides instruction on writing the conclusion to an essay. It specifically mentions argument; however, it could be used with any type of essay. Several thought-provoking questions are presented as methods for concluding an essay. (Approx. 5 mins.)

Writing a Conclusion Paragraph
This video clip explains how to create and models writing a conclusion paragraph using a reverse of the introductory paragraph method. It specifically highlights the importance of connecting the ideas used in the introduction to ideas used in the conclusion. (Approx. 3 1/4 mins.)

Expository Writing Song
Short song to introduce expository writing (approx. 1 1/2 mins.)

Analyzing an Expository Prompt
This video clip walks a student through reading and analyzing the parts of an expository prompt: general information, brainstorming, exactly what to write about. It also includes modeling the writing of an introductory paragraph. It contains several good tips for students, especially encouraging the including of words from the prompt in the thesis statement. (14 1/2 minutes long)

How to Develop a Body Paragraph
This video clip explains the process of creating a body paragraph with evidence and elaboration using the following components: Topic sentence, 3 FRED's(Facts/Reasons/Examples/Details), 3 say-more's, and a so what(wrap up) (approx. 4 1/2 mins.)

Modeling Introductory Paragraph for an Expository Essay
Teacher models writing an introductory paragraph for an expository essay, including hook, mapping context, and thesis statement (6 mins.)

The Yellow Pages