School Locator
To locate your school, please visit the Tennessee Property Data website and search for the property address.
Select the County(Gibson)
Enter the address. (ex John St 1253)
Click View in the first column of the correct address
Scroll to General Information
Find Special Service District 1.
Verify the District ID number below.
294 - Gibson County Special School District
487 - Milan School District
958 - Humboldt School District
085 - Bradford Special School District
732 - Trenton Special School District
Gibson County Special School District
Attendance Boundary Maps provide general reference only and are subject to verification by the GCSSD registrar when a student is registered to enroll at Gibson County Schools.
Below is a map of the entire Gibson County Special School District color-coded by the school zone.
The Gibson County Special School District may need to verify that a student lives within the District boundaries. For instance, providing only a post office box as an address will not be accepted. It is necessary to provide a specific location or other required information to establish the student's residency within the district.

Can I register my child at one of your schools if I do not live in the district?
Parents or guardians can request a student attend a school outside their assigned zoning area in June each year. The Director of Schools will review and approve transfer requests based on space availability and the best interest of the child and/or school system. If the transfer is approved, the student will provide transportation to and from the school (Policy 6.206).
I own rental property zoned for one of your schools. Do I have to live at the residence to register my child?
Yes. Owning property or land within the zoned school area is not enough to be approved for enrollment. The student must reside at the residence the majority of the time to enroll your student within the zoned area if the school does not have enough space available according to Policy 6.206. All students shall complete proof of residency forms at the beginning of each school year.

For questions or further information, email Laura Hawks at or call 731.692.3803.