GCSSD continues to offer meal pick-up or delivery on Fridays until the end of the semester. You must sign up by 12:00 noon each Thursday to be guaranteed a meal that Friday. Please use the correct link below to reserve a meal for your student(s): GCHS: https://forms.gle/9JoWpeGrhcuMoGy79 KES: https://forms.gle/7DUJskjBtcJNQQXe6 RES: https://forms.gle/qTzG4VadLo5q156G9 DES: https://forms.gle/oJWYJfRjstUM76rz7 YES: https://forms.gle/udeJvqPrUpnz6Uui6 SHS: https://forms.gle/kuFBa9PnppCXUTrc7 SGCES: https://forms.gle/HnR6duN4YyXPyYRx6 SGCMS: https://forms.gle/hTRVRMfgRjagzGbs6 SGCHS: https://forms.gle/FtLa7oXTJa5x65vo7
over 3 years ago, GCSSD
meal delivery
According to guidelines set forth by the TN Department of Health, COVID-19 testing refers to SARS-CoV-2 PCR. Negative antigen (rapid tests), and antibody tests are not approved for return to school. We have been instructed NOT to accept a Rapid negative COVID test for school return. Notify your healthcare provider that we do not accept Rapid COVID tests. Also, diagnoses of respiratory and viral conditions such as allergic rhinitis, seasonal allergies, upper respiratory tract infection (URI), pneumonia, pharyngitis without positive strep test, etc., DO NOT exclude the diagnosis of COVID-19 and DO NOT justify return to school.
over 3 years ago, GCSSD
Digital Learning Academy Quarter 2 Enrollment is open until 12:00 Noon today. Any student that wants to participate in the Academy for Quarter 2 must register by 12:00 Noon. Students that are currently enrolled and want to continue with off-campus instruction through the Academy must re-enroll. Digital Learning Academy Quarter 2 Registration Link: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/BDZJLTP Digital Learning Academy Information: https://www.gcssd.org/o/gcssd/page/digital-learning-academy
almost 4 years ago, GCSSD
GCSSD Fall Break is tomorrow and Friday (10/7-10/8). We hope you enjoy your time off in this beautiful fall weather! Reminder: Digital Learning Academy Quarter 2 Enrollment is open until October 12, 2020. Any student that wants to participate in the Academy for Quarter 2 must register by 12:00 Noon on Monday. Students that are currently enrolled and want to continue with off-campus instruction through the Academy must re-enroll. If you plan for your student to return to on-campus instruction, Quarter 2 starts Monday October 19, 2020. We will not allow any student to transition in or out of the Digital Learning Academy after the enrollment deadline. Decisions of how your student will receive instruction for Quarter 2 must be made by Monday, October 12 at 12:00 Noon. Digital Learning Academy Quarter 2 Registration Link: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/BDZJLTP Digital Learning Academy Information: https://www.gcssd.org/o/gcssd/page/digital-learning-academy
almost 4 years ago, GCSSD
Sunday, 10/4/2020 at a special called School Board meeting, the board voted unanimously to continue the full Friday planning sessions. They plan to revisit this issue during the December board meeting.
almost 4 years ago, GCSSD
Digital Learning Academy 2nd Quarter open enrollment will be October 2-12, 2020. Any student that wants to participate in the Digital Learning Academy for the 2nd Quarter must register via the link below. All current Digital Learning Academy students must re-register if they plan to participate 2nd Quarter. Check out website News or social media websites for more information. Digital Learning Academy Quarter 2 Registration Link: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/BDZJLTP Digital Learning Academy Information: https://www.gcssd.org/o/gcssd/page/digital-learning-academy
almost 4 years ago, GCSSD
Click the link below and check social media outlets for student requirements in order to stay in digital learning. Failure to meet the requirements will result in the student's digital learning privileges being revoked. If you have any questions please contact your local school main office or Central Office. https://tinyurl.com/y5qh8qtp
almost 4 years ago, GCSSD
USDA has released COVID-19 flexibilities to allow ALL children 18 years and under to receive free breakfast and lunch through the school meal program. This decision will help ensure children have access to nutritious meals as the country recovers from the COVID-19 pandemic. The new flexibility is effective September 1, 2020, and will extend through December 31, 2020. Check out the News section for more information!
almost 4 years ago, GCSSD
Thank you for a great first week of learning for all students at GCSSD. Due to the number of COVID-19 cases not declining as rapidly as we had hoped, we are adjusting enrollment for the Digital Learning Academy. Enrollment for the Digital Learning Academy will always remain open allowing a student to transition into the Academy at any time. If you would like to transition your student to the Academy, email the Director of Schools, Eddie Pruett (epruett@gcssd.org) with the required information below. Once approved, your student will continue in-person instruction until the student’s teacher or principal alerts them that it is time to transition. From that point forward, the student will remain as a Digital Learning Academy student for the remainder of the 9 weeks. All Digital Learning Academy students will re-register each 9 weeks. As a reminder, GCSSD feels that on-campus learning is best for all students but we understand that you, as a guardian, know which learning environment is best for your student and family. If you choose to transition your student, you must: - Have reliable internet connection. - Your own personal device (with keyboard). - Email Eddie Pruett at epruett@gcssd.org with the student name, grade, and school.
almost 4 years ago, GCSSD
In an effort to make Schoology sign-in more user friendly, I have updated the log-in process while Schoology was down this afternoon. Students will utilize their GCSSD username (NOT the full email) and their GCSSD password to log in to Schoology from this point forward. This change will allow multiple users to log in to one computer much easier as the log-in credentials will not be saved. EXAMPLE: gcssd.schoology.com UN: caseya PW: ac2345 Additional help located at: https://www.gcssd.org/o/gcssd/page/schoology-lms
almost 4 years ago, GCSSD
Thank you to everyone who completed the survey. Based on your input, the GCSSD School Board voted to go with Option 5 (All students at home on Fridays for the first nine weeks). We had 2,108 survey responses in less than 24 hours. This option will allow our staff additional time to build out lessons that will be used for the Digital Learning Academy. Off-campus learning on Fridays will not start until 8/28 and will continue through 10/16. Teachers will work with their students to give them assignments that they will need to complete while they are at home on Fridays. This could be through the Learning Management System or through instructional materials that are sent home. We understand that not all students have a device at home or internet access. Teachers will provide instructional materials for all students to ensure learning continues on Friday. Additionally, on Fridays until 10/16, students meals will be offered for parent pick-up and home delivery. I know this is a major change. However, when we were originally developing the Digital Learning Academy in mid-July, we had 280 students enrolled. Once the decision was made to wear masks, our numbers increased to 650. At that point, the plan we had in place for 280 students was not possible. Therefore, we had to think through how best to manage the difficult situation we found ourselves in. Again, thank you for filling out the survey and helping us with that difficult decision. We also appreciate your patience as we try to ensure all students continue to learn. We are so proud of our staff as they continue to rise to the occasion to ensure each student at GCSSD has all their needs met. Eddie Pruett
almost 4 years ago, GCSSD
The COVID-19 releasing household contacts from isolation & quarantine has been updated. This is a major change. Please review page 15 of the Reopening Plan at: https://5il.co/i86m
almost 4 years ago, GCSSD
The board is requesting feedback to help determine the option they take to give teachers additional planning time, to be used to develop digital learning content, during the first nine weeks. We realize that the decision will impact families and the board wanted to get your feedback. The board votes on 8/18 so we apologize for the quick turnaround. Option 1 - School will be dismissed at 2 each day. (first 9 weeks) Option 2 - Students will dismiss at 11:30 on Fridays. (first 9 weeks) Option 3 - Students will attend Fridays on an A/B schedule. (every other Friday for the first 9 weeks) Option 4 - Students attending is optional on Fridays. Families that do not have childcare can register for them to attend. Students that do not attend will use the learning management system. (first 9 weeks) Option 5 - All students will stay home on Fridays and use the learning management system. (first 9 weeks) Link to survey: https://forms.gle/ZT6caVHfkvCspMB39
almost 4 years ago, GCSSD
Yorkville School will offer meal delivery to enrolled students during the off-campus learning period (August 18 - August 26, 2020). Daily meals will consist of a hot lunch and breakfast for the next day for a total of 2 meals. Meal cost will be applied to the student account based on the child's 2020-21 school year meal eligibility status of free, reduced, or paid. https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfNEngOM9x9AYLdecBdKbgOu3_u2thDojC9edeN0w6AwYXn9A/viewform?usp=sf_link
almost 4 years ago, GCSSD
GCSSD on-campus instruction will start Monday, August 17, at a Level 3. Students will be required to wear a mask. Digital Learning Academy start date has been moved to August 24, 2020 to allow teachers more time to prepare content. We are excited for the start of school! Please continue to follow COVID-19 CDC guidelines to help us work together to protect the health, safety, and wellbeing of students, teachers, staff, their families, and communities. - Stay away from work, school, or other people if you become sick - Wear your mask in public - Wash your hands for at least 20 seconds with soap and water - Avoid touching your eyes, nose, or mouth - Sneeze or cough? Cover your mouth - Clean and disinfect high-touch surfaces daily These are the most important actions that will support schools safe reopening and will help them stay open. https://youtu.be/z067y5-KUQI
almost 4 years ago, GCSSD
The Digital Learning Academy Handbook is now available for DL students and parents to review. Please click the link below to access. A timeline is available within the document to ensure all DL students are ready to begin August 17, 2020! https://5il.co/j8et
almost 4 years ago, GCSSD
Digital Learning Academy Device Request: A limited number of devices are being provided for DL Academy students who do not have access to a device. The devices are to be used to engage in learning activities provided by teachers. If your student needs a device in order to participate in the Digital Learning Academy please contact Kary Parchman at parchmank@gcssd.org by Monday, August 10 at 12:00 noon and include the information below within the email. Devices will be loaned out for Digital Learning Academy students only and priority will be based according to the students meal eligibility status for the 2020-21SY. All aspects of District Policy 4.406 and the Responsible Use of Technologies applies to the use of the device and Internet access. Forms will be signed upon pickup to ensure guidelines are being followed when using the equipment along with a digital learning release permission form. Information to include in Digital Learning Academy device request email: - Student first and last name - Student enrolled school - Student grade - Other students in the household that are Digital Learning Academy students
almost 4 years ago, GCSSD
Tonight the GCSSD School Board decided to delay the first day of school to August 17, 2020. Below is a link to the new 2020-21 School Year calendar to reflect the delayed start. We hope delaying the start of the school year will help to support the decline of COVID cases in our area and allow us to start at a level that is as normal as possible. However, in order to achieve this, we need your help. Please wash your hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds after any activity. Maintain social distancing. Avoid large gatherings. Avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth. Avoid unnecessary travel and wear a mask or cloth face covering. We will continue to work with local health officials weekly to determine the start of school operating level and will inform you as soon as a decision is made so adjustments can be made if necessary. As a reminder, the Digital Learning Academy Registration closes this Wednesday, July 29. Click Menu > COVID-19 Information for details. Link to calendar: https://5il.co/io7m
almost 4 years ago, GCSSD
See the latest Employment Opportunities at GCSSD! https://www.gcssd.org/article/267058
almost 4 years ago, GCSSD
NEW Substitute Teacher information for the 2020-21 SY GCSSD. If you are interested in becoming a NEW substitute teacher, please click this link https://jobapps.lgccloud.com/GibsonSSD/login.aspx to fill out an application. Once submitted, click on this link http://appgarden1.app-garden.com/subtraining/gibsontn.pdf to complete the NEW substitute training course. The cost to take the course is $29.00. Please send the certificate at the end of the training course to Mr. Brad Garner at GCSSD. Also, for more information contact Mr. Garner. Email: garnerb@gcssd.org Phone: (731)-692-3803
about 4 years ago, GCSSD